BC and OR fires are still burning but smoke wont make its way here this weekend.
OK here goes- bear with the details, which are subject to change:
Air Quality forecast
All of western WA
Far eastern WA and Cascade
foothills of eastern WA
Moderate/ Unhealthy for Sensitive
Groups with some improvement during the day
Cle Elum, Naches and the Methow
could see Unhealthy air at night. Newport
and Metaline Falls should expect USG
Columbia Basin
Good/ Moderate
Saturday and Sunday
Winds slacken, some models show light east winds spilling a teeny-weeny bit of smoke over to the south Puget Sound. Lotsa smoke accumulation near the fires.
quality forecast
All of western WA
Mostly Good
Eastern foothills of King, Pierce
and Lewis counties could see a few Moderate
Far eastern WA and Cascade
foothills of eastern WA
Moderate/ Unhealthy for Sensitive
Cle Elum, Naches, Chelan and the
Methow could see Unhealthy air or worse.
Newport, Metaline Falls,
Ellensburg, Yakima, Leavenworth
and Wenatchee will likely remain in USG.
Columbia Basin and southeast WA
Good/ Moderate
Few smoke models go out that far. Best indications (see 2000ft winds predicted by the European weather model below) are that moderate east winds will develop in far eastern and northern WA to disperse locally accumulated smoke. But these east winds will cause some smoke to dam up against the Cascades and bleed across to western WA.

Air quality forecast
Puget sound
lowlands and Lewis county
Good/ Moderate
Seattle, Tacoma and
Olympia could see Moderate air by evening
Rest of western WA
Mostly Good
Far eastern WA
Good/ Moderate
Moderate near
Newport, Metaline Falls and the Lewis- Clark valley. Good in Spokane
Eastern WA Cascade foothills
Moderate/ USG/
Mostly Moderate in the Methow, Omak and Chelan. Wenatchee, Leavenworth, Cle
Elum, Ellensburg and Yakima could regularly see USG or worse.
Lower Columbia
Basin and southeast WA
Good/ Moderate
Wanna get away from the smoke? Cash in on the warm temperatures and abundant sunshine, and head for the Olympic Peninsula or Washington coast. Now through Monday morning should be mostly smoke free. But plan on leaving by Monday afternoon before east winds start to bring some smoke over there.
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