Current air quality conditions
The air monitoring map on this blog displays current data and is active all year long. Mobile users can find the map here.
This is the map shown on this blog, but full size. It displays current data and is active all year long. Mobile users can use this link or the one at the top of this page to view the map.
Local and national air quality index (AQI) website by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Federal Temporary Monitors
These monitors are deployed only as needed during major smoke incidents.
AirQualityWA app
Available on Apple iOS and Google Android, helps you keep track of air quality in your area on-the-go.
Available on Apple iOS and Google Android, helps you keep track of air quality in your area on-the-go.
Washington's Air Monitoring Network
This smoke forecast tool provides a 5-day prediction of the amount of smoke during wildfire season that can be
expected in each area. Forecasts can be used to plan outdoor
activities, and reduce exposure to air pollution. There may be areas within each zone that experience
higher or lower smoke concentrations throughout the day due to various reasons.
Washington State University (WSU)
On left menu, click “Species” then “PM2.5” for forecasts of fine particles
United States Forest Service (USFS)
Find "Northwest:" Choose MAP for PNW 4km or PNW 1.33km
High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Smoke
Loop "Near surface smoke"
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
See “1Hr Average Surface Smoke”
Canada's Wildfire Smoke Prediction Systen (Firework)
The 48-hour maps are the most informative
BlueSky Canada
FireSmoke Daily Runs
Wildfire daily forecast
FireSmoke Daily Runs
Wildfire daily forecast

Thank you to New Mexico Environmental Public Health for use of their graphic.