Friday, August 24, 2018

8/24/2018 Smoke Forecast for the North Columbia Basin area


  1. Heading to the Quincy/George area next Wednesday through Labor Day. How is it right now in that area and any expectations for what it might be like during that time?

    1. Please see the above map for current conditions. Cannot predict smoke a week out but the area isnt that far downwind of major fires.

  2. I'm thinking of canoeing this weekend, staying in North Yakima tonight and canoeing from South Ellensburg to North Yakima with young adolescents tomorrow. Thoughts?

    1. Assume you're asking about smoke exposure: that route shouldnt be too shabby tomorrow but be prepared for some Moderate air quality. Taking N95 masks along would be a wise idea

    2. Thanks! I forgot to mention that we're staying in tents. Would that be possible with/without masks tonight?

    3. The mask recommendation was for periods of strenuous outdoor activity. Healthy adults sleeping in tents during Moderate air should not be a big concern. Take precautions if someone has breathing conditions

  3. This blog entry is specific to areas just around fires.


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