Monday, August 15, 2022

8/15/2022 White River fire sending smoke to Wenatchee region

The White River Fire on Wenatchee Ridge, northwest of Lake Wenatchee, has been sending smoke to Leavenworth, Cashmere, and Wenatchee today. Residents in the area should expect continued intermittent smoke throughout the next few days.  Recreationists are advised to stay away from the Wenatchee Ridge area where the White River and Irving Peak Fires are burning. 

See active Chelan emergency info here.  

The White River (516 acres) and Irving Peak (160 acres) fires were ignited by lightning on Friday.  InciWeb provided the following update today:

"Crews on the White River Fire continue to assess and prepare structure protection along Sears Creek Road (FS 6404) and White River Road. Dozers will be working on spur roads off the FS 6404 Road to open and improve access to the fire area. Two aircraft are currently assigned to the incident while other initial attack aircraft are assisting."

"Irving peak fire gained more resources; it is staffed with multiple engines, hand crews, and heavy equipment. Crews focus on scouting potential control lines and begin structure protection along Little Wenatchee Road (FS Road 6500)."

"A Type 2 Incident Management Team has been ordered to manage the White River and Irving Peak Fires."

"Chelan County has issued a Level 3 evacuation (Go Now) for Sears Creek Road, White River Road is at a Level 2 (Be Prepared), and Little Wenatchee Road is at a Level 1 (Stay Alert)."

Fire.Airnow.Gov image of smoke and air quality on Monday afternoon.


  1. Hello,

    My husband and I plan to visit North Cascades NP from the 18th-22nd and were hoping to do some hikes near Winthrop Thursday, Diablo Lake area Friday, and then Saturday-Monday Thornton Lake and Cascade Pass. Any updates on what smoke will look like in that area and how it may effect views and air quality? I saw some fires have popped up recently and wasn't sure if we should change our plans and go somewhere else.

    Thank you so much!

    1. The current situation looks to be in your favor. Smoke from the Wenatchee Lake region shouldn't be a problem for you there. Check the forecast on Thursday in case there are new fires. Enjoy your hike!


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