Monday, July 15, 2024

Pioneer fire continues to grow and smoke impacts in Walla Walla

Smoke production from the Pioneer Fire continues to increase as the fire has grown to over 18,000 acres. Air quality monitors and low cost sensors in the Lake Chelan area and Methow Valley are observing unhealthy air quality this morning. Satellite imagery recorded an impressive smoke plume last night from the fire that is spreading out over the region this morning:

Source: GOES-W satellite imagery, July 14, 2024

Air quality near the fire and in the Chelan and Methow area will continue to fluctuate with fire activity, with periods of unhealthy air quality. Today, winds will push smoke south and to the east--the Chelan, Manson, and Methow communities will observe the greatest impacts. Tomorrow, winds from the south will push smoke towards Stehekin before winds from the west/northwest return on Wednesday. The current Air Quality Alert for Chelan County and Methow Valley remains in place.

Smoke from the Lone Rock Fire in Oregon's Gilliam County is currently impacting Walla Walla. The fire grew exponentially over the weekend and currently is mapped at 52,000 acres. Smoke impacts in Walla Walla will continue tomorrow and possibly Wednesday; air quality will likely be moderate with periods of Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups.

A reminder that the current hot and dry conditions lead to rapid fire spread of any new ignitions, so please continue to recreate safely and heed all burn bans. And be sure to review DOH tips to take extra care when it's hot and smoky at the same time.


  1. NWS has haze in the forecast for W WA today. Any chance that will mix down to the surface?

    1. No--smoke isn't a concern for Western WA at this time.


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