Monday, June 13, 2022

6/13/2022 - Smoke Ready Week is June 13-17th

Even though we’re seeing a lot of rain this year, summer is quickly approaching and now is the ideal time to prepare for wildfire smoke season.

As we know in the Pacific Northwest, wildfire smoke not only affects your outdoor plans, but it can make it hard to breathe, and cause or worsen existing health problems.

Every year federal, state, and local agencies and Tribes across the region get #SmokeReady to bring you the most current information on how wildfire smoke may impact your summer plans and health through this blog. 

Read more about wildfire prevention, where to find burn ban information, how to monitor air quality, and get smoke forecasts on the Washington Dept. of Ecology’s website.

And then take some time to review the Washington Dept. of Health’s guidance on how to protect yourself and your family’s health from wildfire smoke.

Let's get #SmokeReadyTogether and have a safe and enjoyable summer!

Photo by 13enman on Reddit


  1. Hello. Can you recommend an indoor air quality monitor for the home that is affordable and accurate? Thanks.


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