Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Northwest Activity Summary for August 3, 2016
One type 2 IMT mobilized (Kewa in WA). In the past 24 hours, the weather was windy and dry east of the Cascades. Minimal lightning and precipitation in Northeastern Washington and west of the Washington Cascades. Moderate initial attack with three new large fires in Eastern Washington. Increased containment on existing large fires in Washington and continued growth on existing large fires in Oregon.
Northwest Current Incident Details
Incidents not Previously Reported: 3
Kewa WA-COA-000082. IMT2. NW Team 9 (Goff). 15 miles S of Inchelium, WA. Start 8/2. Full Suppression. Cause: Unknown. 2,500 acres (+2,500). 0% containment. Timber and brush. Active fire behavior with wind driven runs, torching and spotting. Residences and structures threatened. Area restrictions and road closures in effect. IMT2 NW Team 9 (Goff) has been ordered with in brief planned this afternoon.
Snake River WA-WFS-000368. IMT4. 12 miles NE of Pomeroy, WA. Start 8/2. Full Suppression. Cause: Unknown. 11,000 acres (+11,000). 0% containment. Timber. Active fire behavior with uphill and wind driven runs. Road closures in effect. Evacuations in progress. Fire Mobilization authorized (8/2).
Road 10 WA-WFS-000704. IMT3. 8 miles NW of Moses Lake, WA. Start 8/2. Full Suppression. Cause: Unknown. 4,000 acres (+4,000). 0% containment. Fire Mobilization authorized (8/2). Limited information.
Incidents Previously Reported
Range 12 WA-SPD-000344. IMT2. NW Team 8 (Johnson). 14 miles E of Yakima, WA. Start 7/30. Full Suppression. Cause: Unknown. 176,600 acres (+1,600). 60% containment. Grass and brush. Minimal fire behavior with smoldering and creeping. Structures and Sage-grouse habitat threatened.
Antilon Lake WA-SES-000340. ICT3. 10 miles NW of Chelan, WA. Start 7/29. Full Suppression. Cause: Unknown. 315 acres (-225). 90% containment. Timber, brush and grass. Minimal fire behavior. Reduction in acreage due to better mapping.
North Touchet WA-SES-020574. IMT3. 26 miles NE of Walla Walla, WA. Start 7/30. Full Suppression and Monitor. Cause: Human. 536 acres (+11). 95% containment. Timber, brush, and tall grass. Minimal fire behavior with smoldering. Fire Mobilization authorized (7/30).
South Ward Gap WA-WFS-000353. IMT3. 1 mile S of Prosser, WA. Start 7/31. Full Suppression. Cause: Unknown. 5,000 acres (+0). 40% containment. Grass and brush. Minimal fire behavior with smoldering. Line improvement and mopup.

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