Spring can be a safe time to use prescribed fire in the forest to reduce accumulations of woody debris and brush, make wildlands more fire safe, and improve wildlife habitat. In addition, wildland fire fighters get a chance to hone their skills and get into physical condition in preparation for the wildfire season to come.
Seeing or smelling smoke? In Washington, the Department of Natural Resources regulates most uses of prescribed fire in wildlands if over 100 tons of material will be burned. They make daily go/no-go decisions considering the potential for smoke to impact the public. You can see if burning has been requested or approved near you by visiting this page: https://fortress.wa.gov/dnr/protection/burnrequests/
The Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest posts general spring burning plans by Ranger District here: http://www.fs.usda.gov/main/okawen/home Contact the local Ranger District office with concerns or questions.